Hear what the COMMUNITY has to say about our work!
“People need to know these circles work. They help a lot of students, make us safer and make the school a better place…Circles can help a lot of the problems in schools and I hope every school starts to use them” – Dana Alexander, student participant
“It changed how I saw the teacher, at first I was like the teachers mean and she doesn’t want to listen to what we have to say, so I really don’t care. Just move on. But it’s different now.” -9th Grade Student
“After attending CRA’s summer training, the relationship between adults and students in the building shifted drastically. Students know that adults are there to help them solve any problems they are having because students know they will be heard first. Because of this shift to problem solving based discipline methods (as opposed to punitive methods), we have seen our out of school suspension rate plummet by over 65% when compared to the previous school year.” – David Collier, Assistant Principal, ReNew Cultural Arts Academy, 2015
“I’ve learned that they want to communicate with each other but did not know how and the circle provided them with an avenue to do that.” – High School Principal
“Since 2008, CRA has been the leader in bringing restorative approaches to the greater New Orleans community. Their success using restorative justice circles as an alternative to suspensions and expulsions in our schools has not only benefited those students but their families, schools, and broader community by helping to stem the school-to-prison pipeline.” – Judge Ranord J. Darensburg
“Through restorative approaches, our children learn ways to resolve conflict and build positive relationships, giving them valuable skills that promote safety and health”. – Director of Health for the City of New Orleans, Charlotte Parent